Mission Statement
We at Bethesda Christian Center strive to preach the one and only true gospel of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, it is extremely rare to find a place where the true gospel is being preached as more and more people attempt to remove God from America. However, we believe that our forefathers gave our country the best foundation a country could have: a foundation based on Christianity.
Here at Bethesda Christian Center we believe in the holy trinity, we believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God, we believe that God became man in the form of Jesus Christ in order to take away our sins, and we also believe that salvation can only come through him. Bethesda Christian Center exists in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone regardless of race, religion, or creed so that more people will come to accept him as their own personal Savior. In that sense, the kingdom of God will grow more and more each day.
What We Do
We at Bethesda Christian Center believe that as Christians it is our job to preach the Good News to those around us. Therefore, we have made it our life-long ministry to:
– Preach the gospel in actions and in words,
– Win more souls for Christ,
– Use our time and resources to further the spreading of his kingdom.
Our Temple
After moving into our church building in the summer of 2008, Bethesda Christian Center has continued to thrive in the community and make renovations to the property. However, as with any other venture, our continued growth and increasing numbers necessitates moving into a bigger facility. It is with this in mind that we currently have several fundraisers to raise the funds necessary to build our dream church on the property for God’s glory.
While construction plans have been underway for some time, we have been steadily waiting on government officials in our area to give us the official go ahead to start construction. We have had several positive meetings recently and would appreciate any help that could be given to benefit not only the church but also the community as a whole. Would you help us in our endeavor to make our society better by donating your money and/or time to our cause? We would greatly appreciate any help you can give us in getting one step closer to our goals.